Level 2 and Level 3 Equine Apprenticeships
May 25, 2023
Love working with horses? Apprentices, this is your chance to learn and earn!
The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) is currently accepting applications for the Level 2 and the Level 3 Apprenticeship in the Equine Industry programmes starting in September 2023.
Apprentices must be aged between 16 and 24 years and about to take up or already be in paid employment in Northern Ireland, working a minimum of 21 hours work a week, is a requirement. CAFRE can also give anybody interested in this programme guidance on sourcing suitable employment.
Apprentices accepted onto the course will continue to work with their current employer and receive training from the CAFRE team based at Enniskillen Campus. Apprentices will work towards the British Horse Society Stage 2 or Stage 3 exam. Apprentices will be required to attend Enniskillen Campus periodically for short blocks of training throughout the year and complete weekly online theory sessions. The programme covers a range of topics including riding and non-riding options to suit differing interests.
Casey Webb International Event Rider and Yard Manager for Smith Brothers Eventing, Gilford comments “Over the last few years, we have had several students work and train with CAFRE Enniskillen on the Level 2 and Level 3 Apprenticeship. Hiring apprentices for us at Smith’s Eventing is a productive and effective way to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled, and qualified workforce. As an employer we not only get a qualified member of staff, but we get funding from the government to help pay for apprenticeship training”.

Jenny Richardson (Equine Lecturer, CAFRE), Level 3 Apprentice Hollie Smith, Stephen Smith, Level 2 Apprentice Myah McClean, Chris Bogues (Equine Lecturer, CAFRE), pictured at Smith Brothers Eventing Open Day.
CAFRE’s Equine Lecturer, Jenny Richardson comments that, “Completion of these courses enhances employment opportunities for a diverse range of roles within the industry including grooms, riding centre employees, and those hoping to progress to providing riding instruction”.
If you are a school leaver and interested in starting an Apprenticeship programme or an employer interested in offering an Apprenticeship opportunity further information can be obtained by emailing Jenny Richardson jenny.richardson@daera-ni.gov.uk.
Check out www.cafre.ac.uk to find out more about the Degrees, Level 3 and Level 2 courses available at CAFRE’s Enniskillen Campus.