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Choose CAFRE to develop your practical experience using our extensive facilities
of our graduates
Gain employment or progress onto further education within six months of completing their course.
You are treated as an individual at CAFRE; we have approximately 1,800 students at our three campuses.
Our industry partners donate over 45 bursaries to support first year degree students.
Business Support
CAFRE is an integral part of the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. The college supports the agri-food sector through industry training, knowledge and technology transfer, benchmarking and business development planning.
Upcoming Events
Food and Drink Academy Information Evening
Are you, or someone you know finishing Year 14 studies this summer and considering seeking employment opportunities after school? Perhaps…
Opportunities in Horticulture Careers Fair
Greenmount Campus
Planning has commenced for the annual ‘Opportunities in Horticulture’ Careers Fair which will be held on Wednesday 19th February 2025 at…
NI Science Festival – Marvellous Microbes (Aseptic Techniques)
Loughry Campus
As part of the Northern Ireland Science Festival Week activities for schools CAFRE is delighted to invite students to explore microbes. Food…