Student Registration
Essential information for students registering/enrolling for entry to the 2024/2025 academic year:
All new and returning students are required to carry out a formal online registration in advance of the start of the new 2024/2025 academic year. CAFRE will send you an email during August which contains a link that will take you to your own personal account on the College’s Learner record system and this will allow you to carry out your online registration.
IMPORTANT – You must complete this online registration process to enrol onto any of CAFRE’s education courses for the 2024/2025 academic year.
All students
Please see the Essential Actions Checklist which sets out various charges and summarises both what you need to do prior to and on your first day in September 2024.
Finally select the relevant subject area or course from the list below to see all of the essential items required whilst studying at CAFRE in 2024/2025.
Academic Calendar
Date of attendance, examinations and vacations across the 2024/2025 academic year can be viewed here.

Items required whilst studying at CAFRE for a qualification in:
- Level 2 in Agriculture
- Level 3 in Agriculture
- Foundation Degree in Agriculture and Technology
- BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Technology
- BSc Degree in Sustainable Agriculture
- Level 2 Horticulture
- Level 3 Horticulture
- Foundation Degree in Horticulture
- BSc (Hons) Degree in Horticulture
Land-based Engineering
Veterinary Nursing
- Level 2 veterinary nursing courses
- Level 3 veterinary nursing courses
- RCVS F2P Guide
- CAFRE Fitness to Practice Policy
Computing requirements
During Covid-19, CAFRE adapted teaching to suit online channels to ensure continuity of learning. It is therefore very important that you have access to a suitable device and adequate broadband to enable you to access teaching materials when required. Please read the Computing requirements document for guidance on specifications.
If you can’t get access to a suitable device and/or adequate Broadband or cellular (4G) services or you can’t afford to pay for them, please notify your Course Manager by Email.
DAERA Privacy Statement
The Department takes data protection, freedom of information and environmental information issues seriously. It takes care to ensure that any personal information received from you is dealt with in a way which complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (2016). This means that any personal information you supply will be processed principally for the purpose for which it has been provided. However, the Department is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for this purpose.
A full copy of the DAERA Privacy Statement can be found here.
CAFRE Fair Processing Statement
A full copy of the CAFRE Fair Processing Statement can be found here.