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Our three campuses are located on the outskirts of the towns of Antrim, Cookstown and Enniskillen. The spacious rural estates offer the perfect settings for students to explore.
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CAFRE, Greenmount Campus offers horticulture businesses technical support and training opportunities to develop skills and competences.
CAFRE, Loughry Campus offers food businesses technical support and training opportunities to develop skills and competences.
CAFRE, Enniskillen Campus offers equine businesses technical support and training opportunities to develop skills and competences.
Home > Archives for December 2020
December 29, 2020
There has been a lot of discussion recently about the effect of the pandemic on mental health and the impact...
December 27, 2020
Livestock Markets remain open but with access restricted. Following recent guidance from the NI Executive in relation to new measures...
December 26, 2020
Covid-19 has effected everyone this year and those involved in the agriculture sector are no different. Some areas which have...
December 22, 2020
The Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) is designed to protect surface waters and ground waters from pollution by agricultural nutrients. The first...
December 20, 2020
Are you looking for a Degree course in Agriculture that offers the opportunity to develop practical experience and form key...
December 18, 2020
Food Technologists at the College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Loughry Campus have continued to deliver training to...
December 17, 2020
When you hear about courses in food they aren’t just about production and cooking. The food industry offers a wide...
Michelle McGrath, a graduate from the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) is now following a career in...
December 16, 2020
The current pandemic has made every aspect of life challenging over the last 8 months. For the College of Agriculture...
The supply of fresh air within livestock housing is critical to ensure good health and maximum performance from housed livestock...
December 14, 2020
Farriers on the Farrier Upskilling Programme achieved 100% pass rate in their recent Worshipful Company of Farriers Diploma (DipWCF), completed...
Preparation for winter frosts on dairy farms is essentially about managing water issues writes David Mackey, Dairying Adviser at the...