CAFRE EFS farm walk to take place at Enniskillen Campus
August 10, 2022
CAFRE Enniskillen Campus will host a farm walk which will focus on the creation and management of options available under the Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS). Two sessions will take place, one starting at 2:30pm and the other at 7.00pm on Wednesday 24August.
Farmers attending the event will have the opportunity to see the on-going environmental work on the CAFRE Enniskillen farm including hedging, woodland creation, riparian strips, orchard creation, winter feed crops for birds, annual wildflower margins and pollen and nectar margins as well as discussing all available EFS works.
This event is open to those who already have an EFS agreement in place as well as those wishing to make an application to join EFS. It is important to note that Tranche 1 participants will have to re-apply to the scheme to participate in Tranche 6. The scheme options and the associated capital works will be discussed at the events with the aim of helping applicants make an informed and accurate application. The event will also allow existing EFS applicants to get information and advice on how to maintain the EFS options that they have already put in place and to ensure that inspection criteria are met.
With over 5500 EFS participants to date, the sixth tranche of the wider scheme will open for applications at the end of August.
Registration for the event is very easy
Please bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear for the farm walk. Further information about the Environmental Farming Scheme (Wider level) and the various Options is available on the DAERA website.