Clock is ticking to our Virtual Open Week
March 19, 2021
The final touches are being added to the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Virtual Open Week which will run from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th March 2021.
CAFRE’s Virtual Open Week will provide an excellent opportunity for school leavers to find out more about the study and progression pathways on offer and the learning environment that CAFRE students excel in. With courses on offer from Certificate and Diploma level right up to Honours Degree in specialist areas of Agriculture, Food, Equine and Horticulture as well as Land-based Engineering, Veterinary Nursing and Floristry at Levels 2 and 3, CAFRE graduates are very much in demand.
Along with the flexibility of full and part-time study options, CAFRE students enjoy the benefits of ‘state of the art’ teaching and learning facilities, affordable accommodation and very competitive tuition fees for those studying on Degree courses. CAFRE continues to prove itself as a route to highly successful careers in the agri-food and land-based industries.
Join us for our Virtual Open Week, we are certain you’ll be impressed with what you hear and see!
For more information visit our event page Virtual Open Week, or you can contact us by emailing, Freephone 0800 028 4291 or follow us on social media @DiscoverCAFRE.

Counting down to CAFRE’s Virtual Open Week are CAFRE couple Emily Rodgers, Cookstown and Jack McIvor, Moneymore who are both Food students at Loughry Campus. They look forward to you joining CAFRE’s Virtual Open Week (22nd to 26th March 2021) and hearing more about the excellent learning opportunities on offer at CAFRE, both on and off campus.