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Dairying Management Notes – September

September 1, 2020

Managing grazing in September

Concentrates account for about two thirds of the variable production costs of milk. Making the most of grazing will reduce your costs. Good conditions, quality swards and the availability of after-grass means your herd has the opportunity to graze quality grass and potentially produce around 10 litres of milk from forage in September.

Planning for early grass next spring

Building up covers for next spring is not an option for everyone. If you are planning an early turnout, this will be the last round for many paddocks. Actions you take now will have an effect on any early grazing next spring. The timing of paddock closure and residual grazing heights now, determines the start date for grazing and grass quality for your herd next year.

To allow early grazing the following points should be noted:
• Paddocks closed now will be the first to
be grazed in spring.
• Graze paddocks to 5 cm or less on a rotational basis and close for the winter.
• Paddocks should not be grazed again,
even if there is good grass growth in October/November.

Colostrum for calves

Colostrum management is the single most important factor in determining calf survival and subsequent health. Calves are born without any immunity and rely on the protective effect of the antibodies derived from their mother’s colostrum. The first colostrum feed should be a minimum of three litres or 10% of body weight, followed by a

September jobs checklist
  • Correct soil pH where necessary. If ground conditions allow, autumn is a great time to apply lime. Aim for a pH of 6.3 to get the optimum results from fertiliser next year.
  • Carry out vaccinations due well in advance of the breeding season.
  • If conditions allow, subsoil compacted areas and let them rest over the winter period
  • 15th September is the last day for sowing chemical nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser on grassland.

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