Industry support for Taxation and Succession Planning seminars
January 8, 2018
Farmers and other family members from across Northern Ireland have been turning out in large numbers for the ongoing series of Taxation and Succession Planning Seminars.
The meetings have been arranged jointly between CAFRE and Rural Support under the Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) initiative which is partly funded by the EU under the NIRDP 2014-2020. The seminars cover a range of business planning topics including tax issues, succession planning and business resilience and risk management.
The presentations are delivered by a range of speakers from Rural Support to qualified accountants and solicitors.
Ian Stevenson, LMC, Brian Jamieson, NSA , Barclay Bell, UFU president, and Donal McAtamney,NIAPA, pictured at Greenmount Campus discussing the importance of Business and Succession planning with Andrew Murray and Kenneth Johnston of CAFRE who in partnership with Rural Support are offering a number of Business Planning seminars being held throughout Northern Ireland .
The take home message from the presentations included the need for financial budgeting and forecasting, the need to develop a succession plan and make a will and a range of tax and debt management tips.
The seminars have been very well received and have ended with a lively Q&A session which provided the opportunity for the speakers to highlight the key areas which farmers should address with their own accountant and solicitor, on a regular basis.
James McKee from Darkley, who attended the first seminar at Greenmount Campus said, “It was great to be updated on these important issues from a range of excellent speakers who obviously had a very good understanding of the issues facing farmers” while Donal McAtamney from NIAPA said “I would encourage all farmers, farm family members and farm employees not to miss the opportunity to attend one of these seminars”.
James McKee and his mum who travelled all the way from Darkley, Co Armagh to Greenmount Campus to attend a Business and Succession planning seminar pictured with Gillian Reid of Rural Support and Kenneth Johnston of CAFRE who in partnership organised the seminar.
The current series of seminars will continue with events planned for Canal Court Hotel, Newry on Monday 15th January 2018, Kilmorey Arms Hotel, Kilkeel, on Wednesday 17th January 2018, Benedy Community Centre, Dungiven on Tuesday 23 January 2018, AFBI, Hillsborough on Wednesday 24th January 2018, Donn Carragh Hotel, Lisnaskea on Thursday 25th January 2018 and Fir Trees Hotel, Strabane on Tuesday 30th January 2018. Each event gets underway at 8.00 pm with doors opening at 7.30 pm.
Further event dates will be released later in the year.
The seminars are free to farmers, members of the farm family and employees. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters within farm families would all benefit from attending a seminar.
For further information telephone the programme delivery agent Rural Support on 028 8676 0040.