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Here to Help


Here to help

To help you settle into college life we have a number of staff who are only to happy to help you along the way.

Your personal tutor

We hope you will have a trouble-free time at college. If you do have any queries your personal tutor will be happy to help you. At the start of each term, you will informally meet with your tutor and discuss your academic background, interests, course structures, options, progression routes and individual aspirations. Formal tutorial sessions are scheduled during each semester.

Accommodation Residential Support Teams

The campus residential accommodation provides a friendly, caring environment, where you can mix with other students, pursue cultural and sporting interests and enjoy yourself. Members of the accommodation residential support team are available each evening to support students in accommodation.

Be a savvy student and save money

If you’re worried about making your money last or would like it to go further, the following Student Guide will give you useful tips on saving money on your household bills and travel costs. It also looks at making a budget, food shopping tips and knowing your consumer rights. It has been developed by The Consumer Council with support from with CAFRE’s Student Support Officer. Click The Consumer Council Student Guide to download your copy.

Student Counselling Service

CAFRE students have access to Inspire Wellbeing’s free, independent and confidential counselling service. Inspire Wellbeing has been appointed by the college for its expertise in providing support for issues affecting students’ emotional well-being. All calls are answered by qualified counsellors, so you can receive immediate counselling support or arrange an appointment. Your counsellor will arrange to meet you either on campus or off campus. Telephone free on 0800 3895362.