Student Support
You’ll find that starting college, making new friends and studying a subject of your choice is exciting, but it can also be a bit challenging. No one will admit it of course, but the other students on your course will be feeling just as nervous as you. Part of college life is about learning to look after yourself, making decisions and managing your time and money.
Don’t worry, there’s a range of people at CAFRE to help you any time you need support. Your Personal Tutor will be there to advise you on academic issues. Our Student Support Officer offers one-to-one advice and guidance on personal, academic and financial matters and any other concerns you may have.
In the first few days of your course you’ll take part in an induction programme during which you’ll find out about our full range of support services and the people who are there to help you.
Also please have a look at our Student Support policies and the range of support services available in the left hand menu of this page.
Safeguarding at CAFRE
Our focus on Safeguarding at CAFRE is about helping students keep themselves safe and to prevent harm happening to them. We will respond to concerns about alleged or suspected harm and we have in place plans to help and protect those who cannot protect themselves.
If you are worried about something that is happening to you or to someone you know, please talk to us. If we are concerned about your safety, we may need to share this information with others, but we will always tell you first. All CAFRE members of staff are trained in safeguarding and are fully aware of their responsibilities in this area. The Student Safeguarding Officers detailed below, have undergone additional training for their role.

Here to help
To help you settle into college life we have a number of staff who are only to happy to help you along the way.

Student Support Officer
At CAFRE our Student Support services will help you maximise your potential and develop skills to help you cope with life challenges.