Student Courses > BSc (Hons) Degree in Sustainable Agriculture with Agri-Business and Land Management pathways
Agriculture Courses
The agriculture sector is one of the largest employers in Northern Ireland and produces a gross output of just under £1.5 billion each year.
With the current challenges and opportunities facing the agricultural industry it is essential that those considering a career in this sector are capable of adapting to change and availing of market opportunities.
Agriculture courses at Greenmount Campus are highly practical and business focused and aim to develop students’ skills to enable them to work either on the home farm or to pursue a career in the agriculture sector.
Students enter the industry at different levels depending on their qualifications and experience. Our graduates now hold many senior positions in the agricultural and land-based industries.
Courses found on this page are formal student courses. If you are looking for a short training course, you will find these here.
Find out more about the agriculture courses available to study; hear from staff, students and see around CAFRE here.