Kennel care assistants
Job opportunities with Caddy Country Practice Ltd. A mixed animal Practice, located in a rural setting with car parking facilities.
Address: 19 Caddy Road, Randalstown, County Antrim, BT41 3DL
Looking for: Kennel care assistant: coming in twice a day both on Saturdays and Sundays, Bank holidays
Times: Saturdays 0930-1pm & again between 4-5.30pm.
Also, on Saturdays and Sunday mornings to assist vet nurse/vet if chooses too
Sundays 0930- 12 midday & again between 4-5.50pm.
Similarly on bank holidays.
Job entails: feeding in-patients, cleaning kennels, cages, walking dogs and at times to give meds.
To apply: email
For the attention of Kala O’Donnell
Closing date: 30th June 2021