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Jack Owens – CAFRE Alumni

Jack Owens from Carrickfergus, County Antrim a former CAFRE, Greenmount Campus student, took some time out of his busy schedule to tell me about his education, career, and passion for agriculture. 

Why did you decide to study at CAFRE?

I had heard many good reports about past students from CAFRE that there was excellent job prosects in the agriculture industry. I realised that the small farm that I was from would not be enough to support me and I knew that studying at CAFRE would help me secure a job within the agricultural industry. I also was highly motivated to be studying a subject I was passionate about rather than going back to school to complete A-levels.

What course did you study at CAFRE and how has it influenced your career?

I first started CAFRE in September 2020 where I studied the three year Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Agriculture graduating in October 2023.

What is your current job and responsibilities?

I have recently started with Fane Valley Feeds as a Trainee Technical Sales Adviser covering all of Country Antrim. I will be providing technical knowledge and support to farmers in my area – helping them to achieve maximum output and returns form their farm business.

Do you have a typical working day?

No – every day is different, which is great. Some days I am out taking silage samples on farm, other days I am liaising with the feed production staff about specific bespoke rations for my farmers. As part of the two-year training programme I am on – I am receiving mentoring from more experienced technical advisers and nutritionists. I have found there is a great team spirit where everyone is happy to help to get the best results for our farmers.

What is the best thing about your job?

I enjoy meeting people and finding out more about their farm businesses. It’s a good feeling to be able to offer support and help make a difference to farm outputs and returns.

What is the greatest challenge of your job?

Probably remaining positive when out on farms. Weather has a huge impact on farm businesses and subsequently the quality of forage that the farmer can produce for their animals. This coupled with a reduced milk price makes it hard for these businesses. I try to focus on the positives, offering solutions to help overcome their problems.

What is your fondest memory of your time at CAFRE?

Placement year for sure. I completed my year at Brian Cromie’s farm near Banbridge. It was a large mixed beef and sheep farm. I enjoyed all aspects of time there to include calf rearing, general livestock husbandry with the cattle and sheep, grassland management, grass measuring and budgeting and estate management. Brian and Jacinta, his wife treated me like one of their own family and it was a great experience.

Do you keep in touch with fellow students who were in your class?

Yes – I regularly speak to former classmates and hope that those who have went home to farm will soon become customers of mine with Fane Valley Feeds.

How do you like to relax outside work?

During my time off – I like to help out with a local contractor. At the weekends I work part time relief milking for local dairy farmers. This helps keep me grounded and aware of the current issues on farm.

What advice would you give a new graduate?

Keep the head down – work hard and get your qualification. Use the great network of agricultural contacts that CAFRE expose you to during your time at college. Its only after you leave college that you realise how valuable these contacts are.