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Events > On-Farm Rush Control Information Session


On-Farm Rush Control Information Session

08 Sep 2022


Thursday, 8th September, 2.30pm or 7.00pm

CAFRE, in conjunction with Northern Ireland Water (NI Water), are holding an on-farm rush control event on Thursday 8th September on Peter McSparron’s farm, 41 Straid Road, Claudy, Co Londonderry/Derry, BT47 4EY.

Some rush in a field can provide shelter for young lambs and provide cover for ground nesting birds and hares, but dense infestations reduce output and make the land ineligible for area-based schemes.

Standard treatments for rush with the chemical MCPA can lead to drops in the water quality in the Faughan valley catchment from which the areas drinking water is extracted at the Carmoney water treatment plant.

CAFRE has been conducting rush control demonstrations based on methods to reduce the impact on water quality. The results of different rush control treatments carried out in July will be viewed in one field on the farm with a particular emphasis on the benefits of weed wiping with glyphosate versus boom spraying with MCPA.

NI Water will discuss the water quality of the Faughan catchment, the treatment process at the drinking water extraction plant and the advantages and disadvantages that the different methods of rush control can have on the raw water quality and the costs of treatment to ensure good quality drinking water.

You can register for the event by using the button below: