Beef Fertility
CAFRE has recruited four technology demonstration farms who can demonstrate the essential technologies within the theme Beef Fertility.
Group bookings must be made through CAFRE.
Telephone: 028 9442 6790

John Egerton, Rosslea, Co. Fermanagh.
John farms 180 acres with 90 suckler cows half of which calve in March/April and half in August/September. The farm also has 200 ewes, contract rears 30 heifers and has recently started a blade calf rearing enterprise. John artificially inseminates (A.I.) all of his cows using maternal semen and uses Moocall heat detection collars to detect cows in heat.

Douglas McKenzie, Moy, Co. Tyrone
Douglas farms 180 acres with 90 cows that are a mixture of purebred and commercial Aubrac cows calving over a 12 week period from January to April. Douglas breeds his own replacements and aims for them to calve down at 24months old. All heifers are inseminated using A.I. and cows are put in calf through a mix of A.I. and Aubrac and Charolais stock bulls. Douglas aims to improve efficiency through increasing his stocking rate.

David Henderson, Lisbellaw, Co. Fermanagh
David farms 235 acres with 100 suckler cows, 25 ewes and 150 store lambs. Cows calve in two batches, from March to mid-April and mid-May to June. David uses stock bulls with his cows which are Simmental/Limousin/Shorthorn crosses and produces his own replacements.

Oliver McKenna, Eskra, Co. Tyrone
Oliver farms about 100 acres with 60 cows, 3o calving in March/April and 30 calving in August/September. Oliver uses 100% A.I. to inseminate his cows with semen from maternal Simmental, Limousin, Aberdeen Angus, Hereford and Saler bulls. Oliver produces his own replacements, sells any surplus heifers as suitable replacements and finishes the males as young bulls.