Water Innovation Network
What is the project about?
Water poses a constant management problem for farmers in Northern Ireland (NI). On average around 1000mm of precipitation falls on every square meter of NI each year. If not adequately diverted and/or collected, this water makes its way across farms picking up contaminants, such as nutrients, chemicals and soil. Agricultural contamination of watercourses often results in legal action against the farmer, resulting in fines, loss of subsidies and even custodial sentences.
This Operational Group aim to develop innovative and integrated win-win solutions for our rivers and our farmers, using nature-based productive solutions that protect the water environment whilst maintaining and improving productivity and profitability of farm businesses.
How will the project be implemented?
The Operational Group, led by Ballinderry Rivers Trust, will carry out a feasibility study to identify pollution problems in the Ballinderry catchment area and explore the root causes and need for change. Scientific partners will work with the farmer members in the Operational Group to develop and trial a series of Productive Water-Management Systems: nature-based water management features that will contribute to enhancing the environment, and have the potential to make a positive contribution to the profitability of the farm business
Monitoring systems will be set up to collect data and assess the effectiveness of the trials. This information will then be used to encourage further uptake of these innovative nature based solutions.
How can I find out more?
To find out more information on this project please visit the Operational Group’s website or contact mark@ballinderryriver.org