Food and Drink Packaging
CAFRE can provide specialist testing and solutions for food packaging issues including the testing of packaging alternatives and/or sustainable packaging solutions.
Northern Ireland businesses can avail of CAFREs specialised equipment located at Loughry campus.
CAFRE is a member of the World Packaging Organization (WPO).
Some of the key tests provided include strength evaluation, permeability measurement and distribution evaluation.
Material Assessment/Testing.
Tests include tensile, leak, friction, seal integrity, thermo analysis and gas vapour permeability.
Distribution Testing.
The centre can assess the effect of distribution hazards such as compression, shock, drop and Vibration hazards on packaged products, using specialist equipment within a controlled environment.
Sustainability projects ascertain the minimum amount of packaging required to provide adequate protection to the food or beverage product.
Bench marking.
Benchmark assessments provide assurance when selecting new packaging materials and support rationalisation projects which can reduce the range of pack formats used.
Problem Solving.
To resolve problems associated with packaging failure, new pack formats, packaging reduction or new sustainable solutions, CAFRE uses a combination of standards combined with bespoke testing regimes. British Standards, ISTA, FEFCO and ASTM are followed where appropriate but may be modified to replicate the scenarios encountered during handling throughout the supply chain.
A full complement of training is delivered within the Packaging Centre including:
– PiABC Level 2 Award in Sustainable Packaging Technology
– PiABC Level 3 Certificate in Packaging
– PiABC Level 5 Diploma in Packaging Technology

Key contact:
Adele Dallas
Senior Technologist (Food)

Food Facilities
Loughry Campus has a wide range of facilities which are used by students and agri-food businesses.