Livestock Transportation Short Journey (Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs and Poultry)
Agriculture > Livestock Transportation – Short Journey (Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs and Poultry)
Course Duration
One hour (assessment only)
One hour (assessment only)One hour (assessment only)
Course Location
Livestock Transportation – Short Journey (Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs and Poultry)
From 5 January 2008, transporters or attendants who transport horses on the roads, on journeys over 40 miles and up to 8 hours, must hold a Certificate of Competence for short journeys. The qualification is required under legislation for anyone transporting horses in connection with economic or business activity. If you are transporting horses to compete as a professional then you are also required to hold a certificate.
From 5 January 2008, transporters or attendants using road vehicles to transport animals (Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs or Poultry), in connection with an economic activity, on short journeys (over 65km and up to 8 hours) must hold a Certificate of Competence for short journeys.
Who is the course for?
Anyone transporting livestock in connection with an economic activity on a journey over 65km and up to 8 hours duration.
Animal Transporter Authorisation
If you are intending to transport animals in connection with an economic activity for distances over 65 km and up to 8 hours, you will also need a valid Animal Transporter Authorisation from DAERA. Further information and an application form are available by clicking here.
You are required to possess a valid Certificate of Competence before you apply for Animal Transporter Authorisation.
The assessment takes the form of a multiple choice theory test which is taken on-line. Assessments are organised, subject to demand at CAFRE’s three Campuses at Enniskillen, Greenmount in Antrim and Loughry in Cookstown.
Booking Terms and Conditions
CAFRE Booking terms and conditions are available by clicking here.
Course Validated by:
