Introduction to Farm Woodland Timber End Uses
Agriculture > Introduction to Farm Woodland – Timber End Uses 2
Introduction to Farm Woodland – Timber End Uses 2
Following on from the recent very popular woodland event that looked at Hardwood Timber End Uses at Clarke Cunninghams sawmill, the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) are pleased to be able to offer a further course for farmers interested in managing woodland and who wish to explore the opportunities timber production may present for their farm.
This time we are being very kindly hosted by Balcas Enniskillen – the largest timber processor in Ireland and one of the biggest in the UK.
We will again look at timber end use, market opportunities and added value, however this time dealing with soft roundwood timber processed at industrial scale.
This is a unique chance to visit a state-of-the-art timber processing plant that processes 600,000m3 of timber annually – a volume that in layman’s terms means roughly 20,000 lorry loads per year (80 per day)!
If you have on farm timber or are planning a woodland enterprise this session will set the scene in an informal environment and we will see the timber milling process and gain an understanding the ongoing and developing market requirements for Balcas as a major purchaser of timber and consider the implications for growing trees for timber as an additional farm enterprise.
Please note: this visit is to a working 75 acre site and mill, which requires that participants walk and also to climb a set of stairs so a reasonable level of mobility is required.
Dates and location
- Additional dates to follow
Balcas, 75 Killadeas Road
Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh,
Northern Ireland, BT94 2ES
Booking Terms and Conditions
CAFRE Booking terms and conditions are available by clicking here.