Business Planning
Agriculture > Business Planning
Course Duration
2 sessions - usually afternoon or evening
2 sessions - usually afternoon or…2 sessions - usually afternoon or evening
Course Location
Business Planning
Planning for the future is important for any business and land-based businesses are no exception. When considering a change in the business, such as, starting a new enterprise or expanding an existing enterprise, it is important to consider all the costs and benefits. Financial and non-financial factors must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.
Who is the assessment for?
Anyone who is considering a significant investment in their land-based business, through Tier 2 of the Farm Business Improvement Scheme – Capital in Tranche 1, will benefit from this course.
Course Content
- This two session course will give participants the skills and tools to prepare a business plan.
Session 1 (classroom):
- Assessing current farm business performance
- Considering potential projects for investment
- Calculating the costs and benefits of the chosen project
- Completing the narrative of a Business Plan to take of account of the following: Health and Safety, Sustainable Growth, Animal and Plant Health, Production and Resource Efficiency, and Environmental considerations
Session 2 (computer suite):
- Completing a 5 year Financial Business Plan, including where to source, figures and data on which to base the plan
- Explanation of the CAFRE Farm Business Planner online tool
Booking Terms and Conditions
CAFRE Booking terms and conditions are available by clicking here.