Apply now for Farm Innovation Visit on carbon efficient sheep systems
February 1, 2025
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is offering sheep farmers the opportunity to take part in a Farm Innovation Visit. The visit will focus on innovative approaches and technologies delivering sustainable low carbon sheep systems. This study tour is part of the Farm Innovation Visits Scheme which is being delivered by the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE).
Sheep play an important role in meeting sustainability challenges across a wide range of land uses including upland, lowland and arable. Improved performance driven by genetic selection, feed efficiency, animal growth and disease resilience will support low carbon livestock systems. The tour will include visits to the Scottish Rural University College (SRUC) research farm to see ongoing work quantifying emissions and genetic selection for lower methane ruminants. Also on the visit agenda is Moredum Institute where we will hear about high animal health systems, focusing on animals with increased resilience to parasites. Visits are planned to several progressive sheep farms that are implementing high health systems and incorporating technologies to reduce reliance on anthelmintics.
Further visits will focus on efficient grazing systems looking at improved soil health, maximising production from forages including legumes and multi species swards to reduce reliance on fertiliser and concentrate. This will give opportunities to see the innovative practices and technlogies within systems that enable efficient low carbon production.
The group will travel to Scotland at the beginning of May and will be held over three days/two nights.
Applications are invited from one member or employee of a farm business that has over three hectares of land with a minimum of 150 breeding females (including ewe lambs). Applicants must be over 18 years old on the application closing date and not in full-time education. Fifteen places are available on this visit, these will be allocated with preference given to those who meet the criteria. To increase the benefits arising from the study tour, all applicants must identify a group of farmers to share their findings with upon their return.
The Farm Innovation Scheme, which is part of the NI Rural Development Programme will cover the costs associated with setting up the visit, accommodation, travel and meals. Participants will be expected to meet any additional costs, including farm relief and travel insurance.
Farmers interested in participating can find out more details and complete an application form here.
Applications close at 4.00pm on Friday, 14 February 2025.