CAFRE to host farm walks to highlight profit from pasture
June 19, 2024
College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) beef and sheep advisers are hosting a series of farm walks over the months of June and July under the theme of “Profit from Pasture – Striving for Sustainability”.
Locally there are 2 walks planned for Fermanagh and Tyrone farmers. The walks will be hosted by William Egerton (Rosslea, Co. Fermanagh) on Wednesday 3rd July at 7:30pm, and suckler and beef farmer Oliver Mckenna (Eskra, Co Tyrone) on Friday 5th July at 7.30pm. Both farms are part of CAFRE’s Technology Demonstration Farm (TDF) network of farms that demonstrate the leading technologies and highlight how these can be used effectively and practically on farm.
William Egerton manages a flock of 230 ewes on a rotational grazing platform with the aim of managing grazed grass to maximise lamb output. William has recently been appointed a National Sheep Association Next Generation Ambassador. This position is allowing him to travel around a range of sheep farming systems to learn from experienced farmers and industry experts. The information gathered will help to improve the potential of his sheep enterprise at home.
Oliver Mckenna runs a suckler herd of approximately 50 cows that are split between Spring and Autumn calving as well as a calf rearing and finishing enterprise. Oliver is also a participant in ABP’s “PRISM 2030” project which aims to reduce the environmental impacts of their farming network and maximise the sustainability of beef production. Over recent years Oliver has introduced several technologies on farm to improve his profitability, environmental sustainability and labour efficiency; these include grass measuring and monitoring, the installation of an electronic heat detection system as well as establishing a red clover sward on farm.
During both farm walks the host farmers along with CAFRE beef and sheep advisers will be demonstrating the technologies that are in place and how they ensure profitable and sustainable beef and lamb production. The walk will cover the management of grazed grass, introducing and managing grass clover swards, suckler cow fertility and the control of flock worm burdens, all essential elements of a sustainable sheep and beef systems. The farm walks will both start at 7:30pm and farmers are invited to enrol for the events on the CAFRE website