Soil analysis to maximise nutrient use efficiency
February 14, 2024
There are many ways in which nutrients can be lost from soils including leaching or runoff. Nutrient loss has negative implications for both farm finances and the environment. Therefore, targeting the application of nutrients to low nutrient index areas can help to maximise the utilisation of nutrients and reduce the likelihood of nutrient loss through surface runoff or leaching into waterways.
CAFRE Technologist, Emma Neville explains that the first step in reducing nutrient loss during slurry spreading is to carry out soil sampling across the farm; this will provide you with information on soil nutrient indices and pH, therefore allowing you to identify low index fields and target the application of nutrients to areas where they will provide the most benefit. Soil sampling can help you to optimise crop growth through planning manure and chemical fertiliser applications, this assists in protecting the environment and water quality by targeting the application of nutrients to meet, but not exceed crop requirement. Soil analysis should be carried out every four years, with 25 samples taken from an area up to 4ha, where the ground is similarly managed with a similar soil type. To collect a representative sample of the area, walk in a ‘W’ pattern across the field while sampling. Using a soil auger to collect samples, it is important to sample to the correct depth; 7.5cm for permanent pasture and 15cm for short-term leys, reseeding or arable ground.
Soil augers and sampling kits are available from local DAERA Direct offices. Contact your
local office by email or phone (0300 200 7840) to arrange collection and return of augers. Soil sampling kits can be collected or posted. A list of DAERA Direct offices and contact details is available here.