Developing agriculture skills through Greenmount
November 7, 2022
Rebecca Campbell is currently studying for a Foundation Degree in Agriculture and Technology at Greenmount Campus. Living on a sheep farm outside Plumbridge, Rebecca says:
“Having limited practical experience in the agriculture industry has never discouraged me from pursuing a career in a sector which I have a passion for. After completing my A-Levels I chose a course at CAFRE as my next step. During the first year of my course, I secured a bursary from the Tyrone Farming Society for an essay entitled ‘the importance of agricultural shows across Northern Ireland’. Winning the bursary gave me a boost; both in my confidence and financially.
After completing my first year of study, I opted for the one-year placement option. Selecting the one-year placement would help me develop a deeper and more meaningful appreciation of work within the agriculture industry. Following discussions with my CAFRE work placement adviser, I applied for a placement at the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) in their Headquarters as a Policy, Technical and Membership Officer. I was delighted to be accepted.
During my work placement I had three main roles which allowed me to fully understand the extensive work of the UFU. This included holding committee meetings to allow members greater input in future agricultural policy, helping farmers with technical issues such as queries about DAERA grants and schemes or issues with utility companies and connecting with our members through social media. A substantial amount of what I learned in the first year of my degree proved very beneficial during my work placement. My work allowed me to implement theory from our Business Management module and my Animal Health and Welfare studies. This allowed me to build on my knowledge and develop my skills, rather than be overwhelmed with a large amount of new information.
I have now returned to study on the final year of my Foundation Degree at Greenmount Campus. My target is to complete my degree and then progress on to a ‘top-up’ year. The Ulster University validated BSc Honours Degree in Sustainable Agriculture with pathways will allow me to continue my studies at Greenmount Campus.
CAFRE is excellent at providing support for current and recently graduated students. It gave me confidence to help secure a work placement in an area in which I enjoyed. The wide variety of modules from first year to final year allow for exploration of more specific topics, from farm buildings to pigs and poultry. Alongside learning with others who have a similar passion for agriculture, the many connections and opportunities CAFRE provides, on campus and on other farms and businesses, has left me excited about my opportunities ahead” concluded Rebecca.