Join us at our Equine Virtual Open Event
September 24, 2021
You are invited to join us on Facebook Live for the CAFRE’s Equine Virtual Open Event on Monday 4th October at 7pm. The College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) is the only college in the island of Ireland that offers courses from Certificate to Honours Degree in Equine Management. Courses are delivered at Enniskillen Campus and attract students from all over Ireland, United Kingdom and further afield.
All the courses are available full-time as well as an Apprenticeship at Level 2. CAFRE students fully embrace CAFRE’s ethos of ‘learning by doing’ and put into practice what they are taught in the classroom in the superb, practical facilities at Enniskillen. There are three equine centres on campus – the Racing Yard, Breeding and Equitation Units which are invaluable to students’ learning. Each demonstrate the latest science, technology, innovation and business management techniques needed to follow a successful career in the equine industry.
Students have the security of knowing that industry links are established from day one of a student’s journey at CAFRE and there are over £24 000 in bursaries which equine students can apply for. Industry visits and work placements are an integral part of programmes which can be in Ireland, the UK or as far away as Australia or USA.
Most CAFRE graduates progress onto successful, fulfilling careers in the equine industry. The results speak for themselves – over 95% of graduates gain employment or progress on to higher education within six months of completing their course and 91% would recommend their course to others.
So if you have a passion for horses, why don’t you join us to hear from staff about courses on offer, current student and graduate experiences and see around the world class equine facilities.
Information about all our courses can be found here or you can call Freephone 0800 028 4291 or email Don’t forget to follow us on DiscoverCAFRE Facebook to receive notifications.