Rush Control Events
September 23, 2021
CAFRE in association with Source to Tap and Teagasc are holding a Rush Control Demonstration Event on a farm and a Rush Control Webinar the following day if you are unable to attend.
Rush control demonstration event – Tuesday 28th September 2021
Aghyaran St.Davog’s GAAPart Road, Castlederg, BT81 7YA
Farmers and landowners are invited to come and see how different rush control methods work. Find out how effective weed-wiping is at controlling rushes, with a pre-treated area on site.
Experts from CAFRE and Teagasc will be on hand to answer any questions. Demonstrations will be in groups of no more than 20 people to ensure social distancing is possible. The tours will take place at three set times (11:00am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm) and will last approximately one hour and a half.
Rush Control Webinar – Wednesday 29th September 2021
If you can’t attend the demonstration in person, a webinar will be hosted the following day via Zoom.
Farmers and landowners will be able to watch a demonstration of a licensed contractor carrying out the weed wiping from filling to application. You will see how effective weed-wiping is at controlling rushes, with a pre-treated field of rushes. Experts from CAFRE and Teagasc will be available for a live question and answer session at the end.
The joining details for the event will be sent by email several days before the webinar.