Catherine excels in food packaging course at CAFRE
July 20, 2021
Congratulations to Catherine Cleland, who studied at College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) and achieved a Distinction in her Packaging Industry Awarding Body Company (PiABC) exam for Level 5 Award in Packing Closures, Adhesives and Labels. This packaging qualification was completed at CAFRE, the only centre in Northern Ireland delivering this qualification. Catherine is a New Product Development Technologist at TS Foods in Castlewellan.
Catherine studied this packaging industry focused programme with other industry students via online delivery and says,
“Since undertaking the packaging course with Loughry, I have gained more knowledge around multiple packaging formats. The knowledge gained has helped me in job by proposing cost saving and recycling initiatives.”
Ron Gardiner, Senior Packaging Technologist at CAFRE is equally pleased,
“I am delighted with Catherine’s result, especially given the fact that all of the teaching was completed though online delivery due to Covid restrictions. The PiBAC is excellent course that I would recommend to anyone working in the food, drinks and packaging industries”
If you would like to join Catherine and her class in the next stage of their ‘packaging education’, please visit here for more details.