CAFRE placement student benefits from Loughry graduate mentor
May 31, 2021
Megan Cole, is a student at the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), Loughry Campus. She is completing her work placement with Dale Farm, at their Dunman site as part of her BSc (Hons) Degree in Food Business Management course.
Whilst on work placement Megan is being mentored by Loughry graduate Andrew Lyons. Megan is completing the one year placement as the third year of her Ulster University validated Honours Degree course. On successful completion of the programme she will be awarded a Diploma in Professional Practice.
Megan says “I am working within the Quality Team performing food safety and quality checks. This year has presented challenges with the industry facing not only Covid-19 but also Brexit. It has been great to have Andrew as my mentor/manager as he understands the experience I need to gain in my placement. Andrew completed the same degree course so is aware of the knowledge I have. I am really enjoying my placement. I am looking forward to the months ahead and the opportunities of being involved in new exciting projects”.

If you are interested in studying for a Higher Education course at CAFRE, Loughry Campus, visit or telephone 0800 028 4291.