Northern Ireland Sheep Programme WebEx Event 3 – Assessing ewes and rams pre breeding
August 21, 2020
Thursday 27th August 2020, 7.30pm – 8.30pm
You are kindly invited to attend the third of a series of four Northern Ireland Sheep Programme WebEx events. Event 3 will again provide a background to the Northern Ireland Sheep Programme (NISP) and will also focus on Assessing Ewes and Rams pre breeding.
Event 2 topics include:Introduction to the NISP;
- Introduction to the NISP;
- Introduction to the NISP Participant Farmers;
- Clement Lynch Farm Overview;
- Introduction to Assessing Ewes and Rams pre breeding
- Graeme Campbell (Senior Beef and Sheep Technologist, CAFRE)
- Senan White (Beef & Sheep Adviser, CAFRE
- Clement Lynch (NI Sheep Programme Participant Farmer)
- Des Fitzgibbon (Veterinary Surgeon, Cumber House Veterinary Surgery)
- Darren Carty (Livestock Specialist, Irish Farmers Journal)
Please feel free to put questions to any of our panellists during the meeting or send them in advance to
How to Join?
You can join the event from 7.15pm, it will start promptly at 7.30pm.
To join from your laptop or PC, please JOIN HERE,
** You will need to replace the prepopulated joining details with your own name and email address.
To join from your mobile phone or tablet, please download the WebEx meetings app from your app store. Guidance can be found here:
Enter the meeting number and password below when prompted:
Event number (access code): 137 336 1326
Event password: Sheep2020
You can also join via your mobile or landline by dialling: 0-20-7660-8149 (UK Toll) and enter the meeting information above.
You can join the event from 7.15pm, it will start promptly at 7.30pm.
Please note Event 4 will take place in October (date to be confirmed) and the theme will be on ‘OPA – Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma’. This will feature NISP participant farmers Peter and Karol McCaughan. Further details to follow.