Northern Ireland Sheep Programme WebEx Event 1 – An Introduction to Paddock Grazing
June 25, 2020
Thursday 2nd July 2020, 7.30pm – 8.30pm
You are kindly invited to attend the first of a series of four Northern Ireland Sheep Programme WebEx events. Event 1 will provide a background to the Northern Ireland Sheep Programme (NISP) and will also focus on Paddock Grazing.
Event 1 topics include:
- Introduction to the NISP;
- Introduction to the NISP Participant Farmers;
- Paraic McNeill Farm Overview;
- Introduction to Paddock Grazing on the McNeill Farm.
- Graeme Campbell (Senior Beef and Sheep Technologist, CAFRE)
- Senan White (Beef & Sheep Adviser, CAFRE)
- Paraic McNeill ( NI Sheep Programme Participant Farmer)
- Darren Carty (Livestock Specialist, Irish Farmers Journal)
How to Join?
You can join the event from 7.15pm, it will start promptly at 7.30pm.
To join from your laptop or PC, please JOIN HERE,
** You will need to replace the prepopulated joining details with your own name and email address.
To join from your mobile phone or tablet, please download the WebEx meetings app from your app store. Guidance can be found here:
Enter the meeting number and password below when prompted:
Event number (access code): 137 097 3474
Event password: Sheep2020
You can also join via your mobile or landline by dialling: 0-20-7660-8149 (UK Toll) and enter the meeting information above.
How do I ask a question?
If you have any specific questions you would like to raise, you are welcome to send these in advance by emailing them to: These can then be answered by the panel during the event.
This event is being run as a WebEx Event as such you will be muted, therefore the panellists will not be able to hear participants speak during the event. Your video will not be shown.
You will be able to hear and see those speaking and will have the opportunity to ask questions via an online Q & A facility which allows you to type questions in that may be answered during the event.
How was your online event experience?
Finally, we have developed a survey for you to help us improve these events going forward. Once the event is completed please do not shut your screen down by clicking on the top left hand X, instead wait for the host to finish the call, this will then allow you to receive the short survey and provide your valued feedback.
Please note Event 2 will take place on Thursday 9th July 2020 at 7.30pm and the theme will be on ‘Selecting Lambs for Slaughter and Market Specification. This will feature NISP participant farmer Mark Davidson.