Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) Bursary for CAFRE Equine Student
March 11, 2019
Emma O’Brien Maher, Kildare, receives a £1000 bursary from Amy Meagher (ITM) representing Horse Racing Ireland at CAFRE Careers Day
Students at CAFRE Enniskillen Campus were recently awarded bursaries from various equine businesses and organisations. These organisations assist students directly by providing up to £1,000 and the students are chosen by submitting an assignment, a CV or attending an interview.
One of the bursaries was provided by Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) and was awarded to Emma O’Brien Maher from Co. Kildare. Emma is a first year student undertaking the Honours Degree in Equine Management. Students were required to submit a marketing plan for a Horse Racing Ireland event. The aim was to produce a social media campaign to promote attendance and encourage people to go racing.
Following her win Emma revealed “I’ve had a huge interest in horses since a young age and in recent years I’ve taken an interest in racing. Recently, I’ve taken up photography, specialising in racing events. Some of my photographs have featured in The Irish Field & on establishments’ websites. I was very lucky to win the bursary given by HRI by promoting an upcoming Irish racing event. I intend to save my prize money and put it towards a car and driving lessons in the future.”
The Management, staff and students at Enniskillen are extremely appreciative of this excellent support from Horse Racing Ireland.
For further information on the equine courses offered at Enniskillen Campus, check out here or follow us at DiscoverCAFRE on Facebook and Instagram.